Things move fast in New York. And it's no surprise for busy recruiters to reach out to a candidate and request a resume, hoping to get a resume sent back immediately.
That's great, if you've been proactive and taken the steps necessary to update your resume as you add new experiences and skills. Chances are though, with a busy career, and busy personal life, that hasn't happened.
So what do New York job seekers do when they are faced with this rush resume predicament?
It happens. Over and over again. That dream job opens up, but your resume isn't updated. That recruiter contacts you, and the application deadline is fast approaching. They need the resume immediately. You can typically buy a day or two, but in most cases, a New York recruiter will move on to the next candidate if you can't provide them with a resume or details as needed.
The reality is this: You have an outdated resume. Your competitors don't.
Now what?
Take a deep breath. There are options.
Options such as the Resumes By Matt New York Emergency Resume Services. Through these services, you can get a new, updated resume ready to work for you within 24-48 hours.
Instead of sending in an outdated resume that won't sell you as the right candidate for a job, consider hiring a resume writer skilled writing rush resumes without it looking like a rushed resume.
Resume writer Matt Krumrie excels at writing emergency resumes that are polished and professional, and sell you as the right candidate for the job. Sure, you can sign up with a resume factory that will write a rush resume, but you know what you get when you do that? A resume that looks like it was rushed.
Matt Krumrie Emergency Resume Services cost $600, include a cover letter, and follows the same proven system used to complete all resumes. It also includes a peace of mind knowing that you won't miss out on your dream opportunity or that recruiter who contacted you won't quickly look elsewhere.
By working directly with the client to gather information and focusing on the specific job or resume goals, Krumrie can provide you with an outstanding emergency resume that is ready to work for you and sell you as the right fit for the job.
Want to learn more?
Email Krumrie or sign up now. Please provide as many details as possible about the situation, and Krumrie will follow-up with additional questions and next steps. If you have an existing resume, please include in the original email.
If you've already made up your mind, and are ready to get started on your emergency resume, sign up here (scroll to Emergency Resume Services and select Order Now).